My World

Story updates, writing frustrations, and sim related things in general.


October 12, 2010

You'll never believe this...but I FINALLY finished BL&D! Are you amazed? I know I am. Part of what took me so long to finally be done with it is that my attitude about the entire story has changed since I first started telling it. And I actually did have this finished over on Insim. I should have just directed everyone over there to read it - it's been posted for over a year. But I honestly didn't think about it - so apologies are due. Anyhow, it's done. I can finally officially put it behind me and move on to...who knows, but at least this project is forever finished. YAY!

1 comment:

scarlet_white said...

Hi, this is Pablo from simtales, my email is, I miss the gang terribly and wish to at least contact you, hope my message reaches you and you can drop me an email

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