My World

Story updates, writing frustrations, and sim related things in general.

Between the Light and the Darkness Update

December 26, 2008

Tim takes a few minutes to fondly remember his dear friend, Gertie.

I hope I'm not speaking too soon, but I think we finally got my blogger freezing issue solved. Turns out I had some nasty malware on my computer.  So at least I can get on and update, and hopefully start getting some reading done.  

We're still working on my graphics issue.  We're thinking that when my hubby installed some more memory, the computer became more efficient than the graphic card, and it can't quite keep up.  Makes sense, since everything looks crisp and clear when I enter a lot, and 5-10 minutes later everything just 'fuzzes out'.  Sigh.  Hopefully soon, as I'm starting to get in a sort of panic mode about not being able to continue with my stories or start new ones.

Anyway, I'll shut up now and let you get on to chapter 21 - titled Fond Remembrance.  Not many of my chapters have titles, lol, something I'm hoping to one day change.


December 10, 2008

To those of you patiently waiting updates on my stories, I would like to apologize for the lengthy delay. I'm having several problems at the moment. Real life keeps kicking my ass, blogger randomly freezes my computer and I don't know why, and even with my graphics cranked up to the max, my sims keep turning out blurry. I'm not even sure what to do.

And freaking blogger - sometimes just clicking someone else's blog will instantly freeze my whole computer. Rebooting does nothing, and the only way I can get things moving again is to manually restart the whole thing. But what's so weird is that it's totally random. I can go weeks with no problems, then suddenly it will start freezing everytime I try to sign in or read someone else's story. And it can do that for weeks or more, too. URG!!! So many frustrations.

I'm deeply sorry in the lack of progress.
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