My World

Story updates, writing frustrations, and sim related things in general.

What is this?

October 8, 2008

While shooting chapter 29 of Between the Light and the Darkness, I noticed this odd thing walking around - in the air! It's clearly a skunk, but it looks like a chicken - check out the front legs, folded behind its back like wings. The position of its head looks fowl-like. The back legs are bird like. To my knowledge, there are no chickens in The Sims 2, so why, for the love of pixels, is this skunk walking around looking like one? I call it a Chickunk - a combination of a chicken and skunk. Now, I've known skunks to cause problems with the game in general - I feared a deformed skunk may cause extra problems. I shooed it away, but not before I sat here in fascination watching it walk all over the set for several minutes!

Mmmm...tastes like chicken!


Anonymous said...

Girl, if I'm not mistaken, and I'm pretty sure I'm not... I think that is my ex-husband! :P LOL!!! Damn, told you his ass was ugly! ROFL!!! ;P

Astral Faery said...

LOL!! So that's what that is! I'll keep that in mind if I see it again - and I'll tell him you said hi. :)

S@n said...


Ariana: that is a bug that came with BV and messed up Pets....

after I installed BV all my pets, including pets and cats, dogs, etc... started acting like humans, walking on two feet and playing pranks on my sims... it was annoying as you have no idea... they kept coming all the time to my house and community lots, you can delete them using the "move objects cheat" but they will just keep coming and coming back....

after I installed FT everything went back to normal, so I guessed you should download the latest patch for pets if you haven't done so already!!! :D maybe that will fix the problem :D lol

:D it is just a bug... lol it might look like Zayury's ex but it is just a bug! :D lol

Astral Faery said...

That's very odd, Sandy. It sounds really funny to see animals walking like humans and pulling pranks!

I've never had any isuues with Pets after installing Bon Voyage - this is the first time I've seen something like that. I have all the EP's, so I guess it's just a glitch.

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