My World

Story updates, writing frustrations, and sim related things in general.

Between the Light and the Darkness update!

April 25, 2009

The Showdown continues!  Can't really tell you what this chapter is about, but let's just say that Shirra loses her temper and bad stuff happens. ;)

Between the Light and the Darkness - Chapter 31

April 14, 2009

The talking is done and now the real action starts.  You don't want to miss this!  Bloodshed will ensue, so be warned.

Every Family Has Its Secrets Chapter 4

April 7, 2009

Finally! Chapter 4 is posted.  Victoria gets to escape her depressing home life for some good ol' teenage fun with Shane.

Between the Light and the Darkness - Chapter 30

April 5, 2009

The Showdown continues.  What happens to Shirra when she runs away from home as a teen? In this chapter, we learn more about Shirra's past.  She meets someone instrumental to her progress in the arcane ways, and suffers deep heartache.

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