March 12, 2008
At the moment I envision her standing over me with a whip, forcing me to my computer to work on this story as much as possible. She cleared the block I had with the ending, so now I can see the path that will lead me there, rather than wander aimlessly and possibly get lost. That relieves the panic I was feeling for continuing to post a story with no ending.I have spit out two chapters in less than a week, one with exactly 50 pictures, the other with 73! Not photoshop intensive, but still set up involved and whatnot. Considering the first chapters of BL&D are only about 18-24 pictures long, I've really starting building up the chapters around #13 or so. I have been in 'work mode' for awhile, and I must say, that I'm really enjoying it. Sometimes I'm in 'playmode' and I make little progress because I just want to play the game. But not lately.
I also wrote a love scene! And it didn't turn out mushy, tacky, or pornographic. This is an area where I struggle a lot to find the right words. I would dare to say that it even turned out tasteful and decent. It's not spectacular, but for me, it's a first.
So, while my Muse has helped me with direction and given me a tireless drive for this story (think about it constantly), she is also being ruthless. Not with creativity, per se, but with the stamina for long photoshoots and an inability to stay away from my computer for more. It's a good thing, and I'm really loving it - but my house looks like crap. ;)